
The Orangery House

This is my latest style "T" shaped Victorian House with adjoining orangery.


  1. This is amazing! You did a wonderful job! What do you use to paint and where did you find all the extra decorations like rugs, pictures, dishes etc.? Is everything actual play mobile products? This kitchen is my absolute favorite! I got the 5300 while on vacation in Germany 20 years ago and would love to revamp it!

  2. ...this is fabulous except for the lack of a downstairs/scullery/outbuildings. A home run along these lines would have take an army of servants, living rather differently. I've long wanted to see Riis' photographs rendered in Playmobil, but something less drastic isn't required here. Just some evidence that their staff existed, somewhere!

    1. True it would need servants if it was a real house, but to do it in Playmobil the house would end up the size of Houghton Hall, most people arnt that interested in having something realistic but just a fun dolls house. I just wanted to create a nice house with a conservatory, besides a lot of Mansions had the servants living in a seperate building conneting on on the side, so if the current owners wanted to I'm sure they could add to it :)

  3. Hi just wondered how you've attached the front wing to the house, I've built a big Hall for my daughter and woud like to add the front addtion on. Do you have any plans or build thread please emma
